Frequently asked question(s)

Does the HCI Foundation assist with Internships or employment?

The HCI Foundation runs a Graduate Development Programme that seeks to close the work experience gap required by potential employers. Only the HCI Foundation bursary recipients qualify to participate in this programme by sending their Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a motivational letter to bp@hcifoundation.co.za for consideration when there are opportunities available. It must be noted that this programme does not guarantee graduates employment or internship opportunities. However, opportunities are shared with graduates once they become available. Graduates are encouraged to stay in touch with the Foundation and regularly inform us of their employment or studies progress.

Can students with an NSFAS loan, other loans, or another bursary apply?

You may be eligible for an HCI Foundation bursary if you are a recipient of a loan or a partial bursary from elsewhere. However, we will withdraw our bursary if a student receives a full-cost bursary or a significantly large partial bursary from another donor. The withdrawn bursary will be allocated to another deserving student. Students with large partial bursaries and those with full-cost bursaries are required to inform the HCI Foundation of their status or decline our bursary by sending an email to bp@hcifoundation.co.za

Does the HCI Foundation expect bursary recipients to give back?

The Foundation expects bursary recipients to give back by engaging with community projects, reporting back to the HCI Foundation through tutoring and mentoring programmes, and volunteering in their communities.  In addition, bursary recipients are required to attend workshops and complete surveys during their academic year and after completing their studies.

The HCI Foundation bursary is a partial bursary that covers 75% of a student’s tuition fees up to R40 000 per annum. However, we do not give allowances for living expenses, books, residence, meals, or transport (except in exceptional circumstances). Please note that we do not pay for repeat years of study or repeat modules.

No. The HCI Foundation does not fund Master’s or Doctoral/PhD studies. HCI Foundation funding is limited to Honours and Postgraduate Diploma level studies.

We do not fund part-time students, distance learning students or students studying at Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges and institutions we support. 

How and when do payments occur?

Payments occur around July of each year. We pay the bursary amount directly into the student’s fee account at his or her institution of study. We do not pay students directly.