Visits to projects


Following the workshop, community engagement staff were able to spend time on site with several KZN based organisations and see some of the successes and ongoing challenges of their work for themselves. Visits play an important role in developing shared understanding and building the relationship between the Foundation and its partners.

Thursday 4th April 2013.Magnet Theatre Kids Plays, Group A,Khulangolwazi Educare, Ntlazane Rd, Khayelitsha, Western Cape,South Africa.MAGNET THEATRE TRAINEES BRING KIDS PLAYS!Magnet Theatre trainees entertain and educate children aged from 1 to 6 all across the Cape Peninsula as they bring them purposeful plays at various educare centres and creché's in their respective communities.PICTURE: MARK WESSELS. 04/04/2012.+27 (0)21 551 5527.+27 (0)78 222

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